Ole Lynggaard
Copenhagen 21'
“LeSpot Brand Experience” November 2021
OLC invited LeSpot to experience their universe, as insiders.We have lived the brands, values, its creative passion, the particular way they embody their savoir-faire, the way they are inspired. What a privilege to experience OLC’s universe from within, its know-how, its culture, its roots. Such a rich human experience of sharing wonderful moments with friends.
Our members benefit from an experience that money can’t buy, the privilege of living a brands universe from within, experiencing the brands know-how, its culture, its roots. It is also a very rich human experience of sharing wonderful moments with friends, or discovering new friends.
LeSpotBrandExperience is also a wonderful and very authentic way of creating and generating genuine quality content that is diffused in the several le spot micro media.
LeSpotBrandExperience can be though of in very diverse formats: an exclusive event, a week-end trip, a full week voyage, it can be built around a city, a theme, sports… the sky is the limit.
An illustration of a LeSpot Brand Experience
Olé Lynggaard organized for us a unique visit to its native city, to the rhythm of the Danish lifestyle: we had lunch at the Louisana Museum, Christmas dinner at Charlotte Lynggaard’s beautiful home, we went for a boat trip in the chanels, visited the very free city of Christiana, and some of even kite-surfed! ... a trip as we love them, a confidential insiders’ trip, an unforgettable stay!